Wednesday, July 8, 2020

July 8, 2020 Post Covid-19 time-an imagining. Somewhere in the Rockies. Phill and Bini are travelling by train through the Rockies! Bini loves the mountains. “ Look how beautiful and magestic those mountains are!” She exclaims. “ yes “ replies Phill” And we are enjoying them from the comforts of our own train car!” “ Oh wow ! look there are mountain climbers! I want to do that” shouts Bini. “No,no,no” answers Phill” much too dangerous, cold and hard!” declares Phill. “You are no fun!” sulks Bini “Always so cautious and careful!” “Well that’s how I am!” answers Phill “ Look in the next cabin. Rochman has joined us. He likes this kind of trip!” “Just like a trip home! “ rumbles Rochman.”Fun “ says Bini distracted by the thought that Rochman might have family. “Maybe!”murmurs Rochman. “ with family you never know what might happen”. #sarahcowlingartist #3dcollage#storytelling#rockies#traintrips#biniandphill#londonartistsstudiotour #londonontario#ldnont#519london

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