Friday, July 10, 2020

July 10, 2020. Post Covid-19 -an imagining. Bini has been checking out some of the fashion magazines at the drug store and is interested in the scene. So off they go to New York to see one of the fashion centres of the world. “Boy” says Bini “Some if those ladies in black look kind of dangerous and not very happy! I thought if you were glamorous you would be happy!” “ No , I think you will find happiness somewhere else,” answers Phill. “ But they have everything- beauty, money, fame” states Bini. “Well I guess that’s not it!”says Phill. “ Hmmm, and those young girls look like they are trying really hard to be noticed” muses Bini “ but I guess I won’t be noticed because I can’t wear those crazy clothes!” “ Don’t be upset “ says Phill” You are who you are and that’s just right.” “Maybe we can tour New York while we are here?”asks Bini. “Yes, there are great art museums here! The Frick, the Guggenheim....” rattles off Phill. Oh no thinks Bini hope there are other things to see!#sarahcowlingartist #3dcollage#storytelling#collage#newyork#fashion#happiness#londonartistsstudiotour #londonontario#canadianartist

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