Monday, July 27, 2020

July 27, 2020. Post Covid-19 time. Bini and Phill have gone to the carnival. They rode on the Merry Go Round and Phill enjoyed that ride ! Now they are having a break in the picnic area. Of course Phill has chips! “You know” says Bini “ I am getting older and more responsible.” “Yes I guess that’s true” answers Phill. “So I think it’s time I had a boyfriend!” states Bini-and before Phill could say anything, she adds “ How about the guy who runs the Merry go Round? The one with the black leather jacket? He’s good looking and would be fun!” “Hmmm” mutters Phill “ I think he’s a little mature for you!” “Well how about the cowboy?” asks Bini. “ Now I think you should keep looking” suggests Phill. “But what am I looking for?” grumbles Bini . “ Maybe someone closer to your age and who shares your interests.” is Phill’s suggestion. So Bini looks around and noticed a family sitting near them. And one of them is reading a book! Bini goes over to talk to him and discovers he is reading Alice in Wonderland, unabridged and original version! How exciting! They start talking about Alice and all kinds of topics. Turns out his name is Rodney. Bini likes that name. Time to get phone numbers and emails. Bini has made a friend! #sarahcowlingartist #3dcollage#storytelling#biniandphill#carnival#newfriends#londonartistsstudiotour #londonontario#ldnont#canadianartist

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