Thursday, July 2, 2020

July 2, 2020. Post Covid-19 time( are we there yet?)- an imagining. Well Bini and Phill have landed in a very strange place. There are trees and snow, a lamp post and a sleigh! What’s going on? “ I know “ exclaims Bini “ we are in Narnia in winter! There’s the forest and the lamppost and oh no the witch Queen Nania!” “Bini” yells Phill “ be careful! The witch is going to run you over! And don’t take any Turkish delight from her!” Bini jumps out of the way and the witch queen drives on. As Bini and Phill head back to the Door Bini muses, “ In the Narnia books good people get together and banish the bad. Do you think that might happen in real life?” “I certainly hope so “ answers Phill. #sacowlingartist#3dcollage#collage#paper#scissors#glue#narnia#storytelling#londonartistsstudiotour #londonontario#ldnont#519london#canadianartist

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