Tuesday, July 14, 2020

July 14, 2020. Post Covid-19 time-an imagining. Doesn’t look like the pandemic is over yet , so Bini and Phill are off to an imaginary land. Let’s hope its fun! “ Look at this!” exclaims Bini “ How exciting! Look at that far away ominous mountain and the romantic castle! I wonder who lives there?” “ okay “ agrees Phill “ The castle is romantic looking but I don’t like that ominous mountain! The trouble with imaginary stuff is that it is never what it looks like!” “Let’s just go with the flow! Try not to think so much!” Bini tells Phill. Phill can’t help thinking, he is a philosopher after all. What he is most happy about is that he brought the chips! Continued tomorrow! #sarahcowlingartist #3dcollage#collage#paper#scissors#glue#storytelling#covidtimes#londonartistsstudiotour#londonontario#ldnont#519london#canadianartistst

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