Wednesday, July 1, 2020

July 1, 2020. Post Covid time(maybe) -an imagining. Very exciting day for our friends! Bini and Phill have travelled with the Door to outer space! “ Just Wow” exclaims Bini. “ Look at the astronaut and look at the world. This is so amazing! “ “ I never thought the world would look like that “ says Phill “ It really looks like one of my marbles I lost when I was a little eggplant just growing in the garden!” “You know those people over there look kind of like robots” cries out Bini. “Not people or robots!” Shouts Phill “ I think those are aliens and not friendly ones! Run for the Door Bini! Time to go elsewhere!” And away they go just in the nick of time! #sarahcowlingartist #3dcollage#storytelling#paper#scissors#glue#clay#old toys#inagination#travel#space#londonartistsstudiotour #londonontario#ldnont#519london#edinburghcollagecollective #canadianartist

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