Monday, May 18, 2020

May 18, 2020. Day 63 of Covid-19 stay at home time. Be safe- wear your mask, keep your distance. Gumby and Pokey have arrived at their camp site at Algonquin Park. It is very beautiful with wonderful trees and water close by. They have made a campfire and have cooked beans and hotdogs and s’ mores for dessert. Now they are settling in to their tents and sleeping bags. Pokey anxiously asks about wild animals. Squirrels and birds are alright but he is worried about bears! And maybe wolves! Gumby says” there are some animals here but they really don’t like us especially when we make noise.” “ okay “ says Pokey “I am good at making noise!”. And so they go to sleep, Gumby carefully sipping on his wine so as not to wake Pokey. Tomorrow will be a big day, travelling by canoe to see lots of lakes. And setting up camp in a new place. Let’s hope it’s a nice day for them. #sarahcowlingartist #gumbyandpokey#storytelling#londonartistsstudiotour #londonontario#3dcollage#collage

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