Monday, June 1, 2020

June 1, 2020 After the Covid time-an imagining. Our world is spinning fast right now, the changes and events are incomprehensible. Let’s imagine the future with these characters. Starting on the left please meet The Philosopher ( sometimes called Phill). He remembers the Past, the Normal Times, likes his beer and chips and is trying to homeschool our next character. Going to the right is The Apprentice( Bini )a chicklet of some kind. She likes her books and isn’t sure she believes in the Philosopher’s rememberings. And finally in the back, in the shadows, is the Rochman ! Nothing much is known about this fellow except he doesn’t speak often and a rumbling sound seems to follow him about. Well let’s not forget an old friend in the background , the Door! The Philosopher has hung on to the Door hoping someday it will be useful. Hope to see you next time! #sarahcowlingartist #storytelling #3dcollage#londonartistsstudiotour #londonontario#ldnont#519london#paper#scissors#glue#paint#canadianartist

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