Thursday, May 27, 2021

May 27,2921. Pandemic Blues. Gumby and Pokey are out in their rowboat, lazily drifting down the stream. “ Isn’t it wonderful!” exclaims Gumby. “What’s wonderful?” asks Pokey. “Oh all the gondolas and bridges! The paintings and bell towers!” “ I don’t see any of those things!” says Pokey. “ Its all in my imagination. I am dreaming of Venice, Queen of the Sea!” sighs Gumby. Okay thinks Pokey it’s time to get Gumby out of the sun and maybe some lunch or chips or something.#sarahcowlingartist #3dcollage#storytelling#gumbyandpokey#venice#dreams#canadiancollagecollective#canadianartdaily#covidcollagechronicles#londonartistsstudiotour #londonontario#cbcarts

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