Monday, June 22, 2020

June 22, 2020 Post Covid-19 time- an imagining. This weekend Bini and Phill have gone home for a break from travelling . Phill is trying to sleep in a little but Rochman keeps waking him up for information. “ Come on “Rochman whispers “what really happened? Bini is in the shower, you can spill the beans now. I heard all about where you went but what else happened?!” “Oh “ mumbles Phill “ She doesn’t like bullfights, likes art, and train rides and boys of course..” “Boys?” Gasps Rochman “ I’m not ready for that!” Bini , just coming out of the shower exclaims” Oh you guys! Don’t be so silly! Some of the boys are kind of cute, that’s all! I am going to do some research now on where we will go next!” And she did, leaving Phill and Rochman staring at each other with worried frowns. #sarahcowlingartist #3dcollage#paper#scissors#glue#biniandphill#philosopherandapprentice#collage#travel#storytelling #londonartistsstudiotour #londonontario#ldnont#519london#canadianartist

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