Monday, May 17, 2021

May 17,2021. Pandemic Blues. Gumby has been busy, planting spring flowers in the backyard. Suddenly, Pokey comes galloping around the corner, right through the new garden. He crashes into the wagon, sprays sand everywhere and topples the new flowers! “Oh no!”shouts Gumby “ What are you doing?!” “I’m sorry , I didn’t mean to. My galloping was out of control!”whimpers Pokey . Gumby takes a deep breath, decides it’s not so bad and says to Pokey “ Well I hope you are okay. Get up now and give me a hand with fixing the mess.” In the end , the garden was not quite as Gumby planned but maybe it was even better. The two buddies celebrated with chips and cold drinks. #sarahcowlingartist #3dcollage#storytelling#pokeyandgumby#gardening#canadianartdaily#canadiancollagecollective#covidcollagechronicles#londonartistsstudiotour #londonontario#cbcarts#canadianartist

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