Saturday, April 16, 2022

Getting closer! Less than a week to the London Artists Studio Tour! I have lots of interesting, whimsical and though provoking collages on the walls! Hope to see you here! And if you drop by on Friday night for the opening , you will be entertained by the London Men of Accord.#sarahcowlingartist #collage#londonartistsstudiotour #londonontario

Getting closer! Less than a week to the London Artists Studio Tour! I have lots of interesting, whimsical and though provoking collages on the walls! Hope to see you here! And if you drop by on Friday night for the opening , you will be entertained by the London Men of Accord.#sarahcowlingartist #collage#londonartistsstudiotour #londonontario

Last spring I painted this piece titled”Up, Up and Away” and submitted it to the AGO Portraits of Resilience call for art. Today we went to the exhibit “I am Here” at the AGO that includes a video of everyone who submitted to the call. The exhibit is wonderful and it was exciting to be included in this way. Scroll to See other photos of a small portion of the exhibition #sarahcowling#acrylics#portraitsofresilience #ago#londonartistsstudiotour #londonontario#canadianartist🇨🇦

Last spring I painted this piece titled”Up, Up and Away” and submitted it to the AGO Portraits of Resilience call for art. Today we went to the exhibit “I am Here” at the AGO that includes a video of everyone who submitted to the call. The exhibit is wonderful and it was exciting to be included in this way. Scroll to See other photos of a small portion of the exhibition #sarahcowling#acrylics#portraitsofresilience #ago#londonartistsstudiotour #londonontario#canadianartist🇨🇦