Monday, November 22, 2010


Try to keep days like this in mind as we head into the midst of winter.

The Confrontation

As promised here is a photo of the painting I had entered into the Gallery Painting Group Show--this won a ribbon!! "This is an evocative and atmospheric image, with a unique composition that includes both intruding and partly obscured industrial shapes" (Charles Vincent, juror)

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Interlude 1

This is one of my new Interlude Series. It can be viewed, purchased or rented at Museum London Art Rental in London, Ontario. The Gallery Painting Show was a successful weekend and I received a ribbon from juror Charles Vincent for my piece titled "Confrontation". I will try to take a photo soon and put it on the blog. Upcoming are classes at the Arts Project for Collage starting in Jan. 2011 and running for 8 weeks. Please check the Arts Project web site for more information.